Thursday, May 2, 2019

Road Trip - Part 3

“And they approached the village where they were going, and He acted as though He would go farther.  And they urged Him saying, ‘Stay with us, for it is getting toward evening, and the day is now nearly over.’  And He went in to stay with them.

“And it came about that when He had reclined at the table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, He began giving it to them.  And their eyes were opened and they recognised Him; and He vanished from their sight. 

“And they said to one another, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He  was explaining the Scriptures to us?’” Luke 24:28-32

I LOVE this passage and have often thought of what would have happened if the disciples has simply let Jesus go on and they went to the village without Him.  Can you imagine!  I wonder if there is a lesson in there for all of us?  Perhaps. 

Take care with love, especially His!  Your servant and friend in Christ, who still prays for you each morning.  Darlene

PS: Please send your prayer updates.  Find my statement of faith by clicking or cut and paste this link into your Web browser:   You can find the WeakDay Devotion online by doing a Google search for “WeakDay Devotion.”  (Also, there is a “Google Blogger” App you can download to read them on your phone.)

·        Jen D - my good friend is feeling much better now, but very weak yet.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers for her to fully regain her strength.
·        Five Ways to Pray for the Christians in Sri Lanka: - death toll - over 250 died, more than 500 injured Easter morning.  ISIS has claimed responsibility.  Please read the Desiring God link above to know how best to pray for this situation.  Pray more earnestly for Christians who are increasingly being attacked around the world for their choice to follow the risen Jesus Christ. 
·        Pray for any new strangers in your church – Easter brings individuals into your local church that need a warm and encouraging welcome.  Please pray for courage and love.
·        Earthquakes in The Philippines - Isaias and Judith (Ambassadors for Christ in The Philippines) – Isaias returned to home to be greeted by earthquakes and flooding.  Pray for him, his family and their expanding ministry there.  Pray for his safety and travelling mercies.  This ministry gives so much to so many for so little.  To learn more: (Top of page:  "Where We Work” > “Asia-Pacific” > "Philippines").
·        USA – that the Lord would demonstrate His power in an unexpected and uniting way during these times of unrest and confusion.  Help hearts settle and rest in Him alone.
·        Sergio – lost his job and now looking again.  He was recently diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes.  Was living with his brother, but has been asked to move out, leaving him homeless.  
·        Toron – finishing his high school studies and needing strength, focus and confidence, especially with maths.


  • ·        UPDATE - ‘Baby’ Saige - For those of you who have faithfully prayed for her (born so premature, they gave her almost no chance to survive, but she did thanks to God’s grace through your many prayers! Patti has seen her recently.  She is a darling, healthy 5 yr old, ready to start Kindergarten in the fall!! Thanks to all of you who never gave up on her.  She is now "normal" after the 4 open-heart surgeries!
  • ·        UPDATE - Julia – (Patti’s daughter) Julia will get to cut back to half-time teaching position next year, both for her mental health (still dealing with symptoms from her concussions over a year ago) and to be able to be with Micah (5 yrs old) at home after his 1/2 day Kindergarten. (Public school teachers cannot deal with monitoring his Type I diabetes in the same way his preschool teachers could). 
  • ·        UPDATE – Adrian - (Julia’s son now 8 yrs) no longer displaying many symptoms of autism -- is finishing 2nd grade. He is a well-behaved student, participating in class and enjoying chess club, soccer and cooking lessons! (As long as he takes his medication.)
  • ·        UPDATE - Sarah - Her mother and brother tried to visit her to invite her to attend her brother's wedding (4 May) but she refused and has now left the trailer where she was living to move to a different state and live with strangers from Craig’s list. 
  • ·        UPDATE - Jim and Elaine - are settling in to the Fiji ministry and educational leadership positions.  Please pray for them that they will find joy and time and energy to see the fruits of their labours for the Lord in yet a new country.  (To learn more of their ministry go to )
  • ·        UPDATE - Len Carbone father of Patti’s 14 yr old granddaughter, Callilah (also Julia's daughter, see above) is now almost 58 yrs old. Pray he wakes to the message of the cross and the compassion and love of Jesus.  He had brain tumour surgery in 2002 and has been on disability since.  He has very few friends (it is difficult for people to care because of his condition). His father died last fall.  His mother previously and since they are both gone that support is missing.  Has two older brothers (also no longer patient with his condition) and Callilah, who no longer wants to visit him. He has nothing left but a house (in bad repair), a car and cell phone, no Internet or TV anymore. He has not accepted the Lord, even with miraculous healing several times in his life.


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