Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Underestimating Obedience


[God speaking] “’All the commandments that I am commanding you today you shall be careful to do, that you may live and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to give yto your forefathers.

"'And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.  


“’And He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the month of the Lord.

"'Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years. Thus, you are to know in your heart that the Lord your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines your son.  


“’Therefore, you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing forth in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land where you shall eat food without scarcity, in which you shall not lack anything; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper.’” Deuteronomy 8:1-10 


[Jesus speaking] “’But He answered and said, ‘it is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4 


[Jesus teaching] “And Jesus answered him, ‘It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’” Luke 4:4 


Never underestimate the value of humble obedience to the Lord who has called you through the numbering of your every breath, He who brought you into this world did so for your good and His glory. 


Take care with love, especially His, Darlene (who still prays for you each day)   


PS:  Find my statement of faith:  https://especiallyhislove.blogspot.com (where you will also find a series of beginner Bible studies to share). You can easily find the WeakDay Devotion online by doing a Google search for ‘WeakDay Devotion’.  (Also, there is an android ‘Google Blogger’ app you can download to read them on your phone.  Not sure about Apple.).  For the books, go Amazon books.   


NEW PRAYER REQUESTS (any updates?) 


  • Abortion Decision in the US Supreme CourtPlease pray that God’s will for the unborn would be revealed by the overturning of Roe v Wade no matter how much flack is thrown up by the Left.  Pray for the health and safety of each of the judges on the court. 

  • Barb – my brother’s faithful and kind wife.  She is a cancer survivor for many years, but recently doctors found she has two small basal cell carcinomas which they will remove and treat.  Please pray for peace and trust as she faces this concern.    

  • Denny – Marci (my lifetime friend)’s husband Denny, had successful quadruple bi-pass surgery 30 years ago and is having problems with his heart lately. Pray for Marci and the family and especially for the health carers as they begin tests to pinpoint and address the problems.  

  • War in Ukraine – Please pray for the people caught in the cross-fires of this war, especially strength for Christians of the country and that God’s sends encouragement and help in unexpected ways to save Ukraine and our world from potential devastation of a third world war. 

  • Simon and Tamara and their children Simon (my pastor) has been chosen to support the Lord’s work in a new, more far-reaching way.  Help them prepare throughout this year for the new challenges that await them.  And when Simon takes up the new role, let him fill it with the same grace, devotion and love he has consistently demonstrated while at St. Marks.  Strengthen the congregation to rejoice with them and their decision. 

  • Elina – has asked for prayer.  Please hold her her as she struggles through some personal issues and is feeling overwhelmed.   

  • Christinegive her strength as she journeys to heart-healing. 

  • Family of Eric – Eric at 52 died suddenly leaving his 47-year-old wife and three girls (ages 16, 19 and 23).  Pray the Lord comforts the family through this time of mourning.  Pray for their wisdom and that God will send trustworthy, honourable, Bible-based councilors for the many decisions that now must be made. 

  • Peyton - eldest granddaughter of Jeff and Rachael – now in her second year of college.  Please continue to pray for her that she does well, makes good decisions and continues having a good relationship with the Lord.   

  • Sophie – three-year old daughter of a friend.  She is chronically unwell and frail.  Please pray for her, her parents and health carers to find ways to manage the symptoms and heal her. 

  • Hans – a dear friend in Germany, has lung cancer and unable to work.  Pray for his financial situation and that the new social worker will be able to help me through this difficult time.  Pray for his patience and God’s mercy.  Pray for his healthcare providers and that he is surrounded by faithful and compassionate Christian friends who will support him through this journey.  Pray for his Mom (age 84) who is also unwell -- that their time together is filled with extraordinary good memories and lots of love. 

  • Callilah - a lost child.  Pray the Lord will capture her heart. 


Pray for those in full-time service 

Pray to uphold our Christian leaders – that they never compromise God’s Word, are bold and courageous in the face of evil.  Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families. 


Pray for those with ongoing health concerns 

Many of us have family, friends and loved ones with fragile health.  Pray God takes special care with them and protects them in practical ways and that the Lord will have mercy on them during this challenging time. 


  • Tim – my brother – is seeing benefits from his new bi-pap machine and is sleeping better.  Pray for his continued wisdom and patience in managing his COPD (chronic-obstructive pulmonary disease) and arthritis.  Pray his new doctor is attentive, wise and compassionate.  Pray for Barb, his wife for her strength and compassion.  Continue to grow their faith as give them wisdom as they share Christ with others.  Pray for his strength and wisdom as he awaits an important insurance refund. 

  • David – as his health waxes and wanes.  The procedures to minimise the macular degeneration are helping to restore some sight.  Pray for Heidi who cares for him and his little companion dog, Sparky.  Pray God watches over him and steadies his steps, clears his sight and strengthens his heart. 


Pray for the World