Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Five Results!

YouTube – TTAW – Acts 2:22-28

By – PeaceColumbus (6 min 56 sec)


“’Men of Israel, listen to these words; Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know – this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.


“’But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.  For David says of Him, ‘I saw the Lord always in my presence; for He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken. 


“’Therefore, my heart was glad and my tongue exulted; moreover my flesh also will live in hope; because You will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor allow Your Holy One to undergo decay, You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of gladness with Your presence.’’” Acts 2:22-28


Amazing!  Once you have accepted God’s amazing gift of grace by faith in Jesus you will:

·      no longer be shaken

·      live in hope

·      never be abandoned to Hades

·      be filled with gladness

·      be in His presence!


Take care with love, especially His, Darlene (who still prays for you daily)


PS:  Find my statement of faith:  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies). You can also find the devotions online, just search for ‘WeakDay Devotion’. 

There is an android ‘Google Blogger’ app you can download to read them on your phone.  Not sure about Apple.  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests and updates email me:


Please update your PRAYER REQUESTS

·      ISRAEL OVERVIEW of Issues of Al-Aqsa Mosque – 136 days have passed of this horrible and unwanted war.  Thank the Lord two more hostages were freed.  Pray Israeli forces locate and save the remaining hostages.  Pray for the wisdom and safety of the Israeli soldiers, for those who have lost loved ones and for those moving through enemy territory as they risk their lives to restore peace and purify the land of all terrorists.  Pray also for the Palestinian people – many are helpless captives of war.

·      URGENT - Barbara – the beloved widow of my brother, Tim, sprained her ankle and needs time to rest and heal.  She returned to the doctor and must take another week for the healing to be complete. As one of God’s faithful widows, pray God always protects her, especially at night.  Pray He guards the structure and integrity of the house and places willing people in her path to help her as she faces a life without Tim. 

·      Junko – that she would have a calm heart as she applies herself to her studies.  Help her through each day and that she gets enough rest.

·      Michael C – please pray for him and his family for comfort, as they grieve the loss of his father. 

·      Yoshimi – has started to attend church and read her Bible.  Pray she grows into a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that she finds work she can enjoy and benefit from.

·      Jenny S– in full-time ministry.  Please pray for her because she will have hip-replacement surgery 4th of April – pray there will be friends who will support her through the long and slow healing process.  Pray Father-God continues to provide sufficient financial support and winsome wisdom.

·      Lindsey - the youngest daughter of my dearest friends, Annette and Lyle, needs your prayers for healing and strengthening.  Pray for her patience and the wisdom of her health care providers.

·      Andrew M – head of Deaf Ministries Intnl., has begun an international tour starting in Japan.  Please pray for travelling mercies, robust health, and rest and for abundant harvest of those who need a creative way to ‘hear’ the Gospel.

·      Jeff and Rachael’s family: - Peyton, granddaughter, graduated from college Dec 2023.  Carter, grandson, is doing great in his first year in college.  Both are exceptional students and love the Lord.  Pray they are not distracted by worldly things, that the Lord watches over and protects them, that they continue to do well as their lives develop under God’s loving hand and that their love of God’s Word increases daily.

·      Patti and John – pray God continues to inspire them with His love and compassion and that He will guard their health.  Pray also for travelling mercies as Patti is now the only one who drives. (Joshuah 1:6-9).

·      Sarah and Andrew – he left his job two years ago and she went to work in a new role.  Pray for this precious Christian couple that they focus on family balance to the glory of the Lord.

·      Nerida – that her living situation is resolved with grace, and she finds a place to live that is more peaceful and supportive.

·      Bettina – is retiring after a lifetime of service to her company.  Pray each of her five married daughters, spouses and 18 grandchildren support her as she enters this new phase of her life, and they all continue to grow in their love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      Ian and Jenny– continue to pray that his desire to grow his understanding and effectiveness with personal evangelism is fulfilled and that their two grown children would turn back to their relationship with Christ.

·      Elina – needs God’s wisdom and the courage of her convictions and resolve to live a life that is Christ-honouring for herself and her young son, Jimmy.

·      Megan (for emotional healing) and Scott, her husband (for patience and wisdom) and wisdom for his sister, Clare, as she seeks to support them through troubled times.

·      Christine – give her strength as she journeys to heart-healing, pray for traveling mercies as he is in Europe and pray most of all that her husband gives his life to the Lord.

·      Robin – continue to pray for her strength and healing as she continues her journey after the loss her beloved mother (was 93 years old) and pray for the strength of her daughter who is comforting her.

·      Pray for true, Christ-centered revival in America.


Pray for those in full-time service

Pray the Lord upholds our Christian leaders – that they never compromise God’s Word and remain bold and courageous in the face of evil.  Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families. 

Pray Especially for Salvation for:

·      Louisville family of Jeff and Rachael – that a desire grows in their heart for a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      R & B – exploring the Truth for themselves. Please place true believers in their paths to disciple them.

·      Becky – still in rehab for spinal surgery.  Pray for her patience and for her health care providers to be wise and compassionate, that her family rallies around her to care for her and, most of all, that she finds the Lord in all this.

·      Fred and Barb brother of Patti -- for salvation.

·      Bryan and Julie (Patti’s daughter) Pray for the salvation of at least one of the family and that the others will follow shortly thereafter.  They are parents of Callilah, Adrian, Micah, Kevin and Nate -- lost, damaged and troubled children – all of whom we have prayed for over the years.

·      Sophie– six-year-old daughter of a friend is chronically ill and frail.  Please pray for her, her parents and health carers to find ways to manage her symptoms and heal her and that this will lead them all to God’s saving grace.

·      Paul – please pray for him.  He still has not found a job or work after more than ten years.  Please pray the Lord provides needed work so he can begin to heal and strengthen.

·      Peggy – a dear friend and colleague of my sister-in-law who has been battling cancer in her neck for years.  Her new oncologist has started a combination of chemo and radiation that seems to be working, but she is miserable.  Please pray for her as she waits for her body to heal and strengthen and that she finds salvation.

·      Sue and Rob – opened their home to support Luke who is angry and lost.  He has been there a long time now and refuses to move out.  Please pray the Lord saves all three and that Luke realises he must take responsibility for his own life.  Pray for continued patience and compassion of Sue and Rob.

·      Demi and John – one evening John went out their backdoor to run an errand and was attacked by someone with a knife who stabbed him several times (one pierced his heart).  He has recovered physically but pray for him and his wife as they pull their lives together – that they might find the Lord in all the chaos left behind.

·      Jen N – a Jewish woman I’ve met at work, please pray for her that she will find a new role and that she stays safe and healthy.  Please pray for her and her two boys (ages 16 and 17).

·      Don Yockey - lost his fight with cancer.  Please pray the Lord uses this time to open the family’s hearts to His love and salvation.


Pray for those with ongoing health concerns

Many of us have family, friends and loved ones with fragile health.  Pray God takes special care with them and protects them in practical ways and that the Lord will have mercy on them.

Pray for the World

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Last Call to ‘Whosoever’

YouTube – Something Special for Everyone - Joel 2:28-29

By – David Guzik (5 min 45 sec)


“But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and declared to them:  ‘Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give heed to my words.  For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day; but this is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel:  


“’And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;


“’Even on My bondslaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit and they shall prophesy.  And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke. 


“’The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come.  And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” Acts 2:14-21


The book of Acts is the book of transition.  What went before in recorded history, led up to the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Now, God used this time of transition -- a time of miracles and wonders – to quickly spread interest in the Truth and what was to come. 


Peter, in this first evangelical sermon, refers to a prophecy in the book of Joel to explain the wonders of the future to a group of the curious people who would likely have seen or heard about Jesus and His ministry.


Most important, Peter shared that now, salvation was available to ALL who will call upon Jesus’ name.  He also warned that there is a time limit on God’s patience with His world. 


Take care with love, especially His, Darlene (who still prays for you daily)


PS:  Find my statement of faith:  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies). You can also find the devotions online, just search for ‘WeakDay Devotion’. 

There is an android ‘Google Blogger’ app you can download to read them on your phone.  Not sure about Apple.  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests and updates email me:


Please update your PRAYER REQUESTS

·      ISRAEL OVERVIEW of Issues of Al-Aqsa Mosque – 136 days have passed of this horrible and unwanted war.  Thank the Lord two more hostages were freed.  Pray Israeli forces locate and save the remaining hostages.  Pray for the wisdom and safety of the Israeli soldiers, for those who have lost loved ones and for those moving through enemy territory as they risk their lives to restore peace and purify the land of all terrorists.  Pray also for the Palestinian people – many are helpless captives of war.

·      URGENT - Barbara – the beloved widow of my brother, Tim, sprained her ankle and needs time to rest and heal.  She returned to the doctor and must take another week for the healing to be complete. As one of God’s faithful widows, pray God always protects her, especially at night.  Pray He guards the structure and integrity of the house and places willing people in her path to help her as she faces a life without Tim. 

·      Junko – that she would have a calm heart as she applies herself to her studies.  Help her through each day and that she gets enough rest.

·      Michael C – please pray for him and his family for comfort, as they grieve the loss of his father. 

·      Yoshimi – has started to attend church and read her Bible.  Pray she grows into a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that she finds work she can enjoy and benefit from.

·      Jenny S– in full-time ministry.  Please pray for her because she will have hip-replacement surgery 4th of April – pray there will be friends who will support her through the long and slow healing process.  Pray Father-God continues to provide sufficient financial support and winsome wisdom.

·      Lindsey - the youngest daughter of my dearest friends, Annette and Lyle, needs your prayers for healing and strengthening.  Pray for her patience and the wisdom of her health care providers.

·      Andrew M – head of Deaf Ministries Intnl., has begun an international tour starting in Japan.  Please pray for travelling mercies, robust health, and rest and for abundant harvest of those who need a creative way to ‘hear’ the Gospel.

·      Jeff and Rachael’s family: - Peyton, granddaughter, graduated from college Dec 2023.  Carter, grandson, is doing great in his first year in college.  Both are exceptional students and love the Lord.  Pray they are not distracted by worldly things, that the Lord watches over and protects them, that they continue to do well as their lives develop under God’s loving hand and that their love of God’s Word increases daily.

·      Patti and John – pray God continues to inspire them with His love and compassion and that He will guard their health.  Pray also for travelling mercies as Patti is now the only one who drives. (Joshuah 1:6-9).

·      Sarah and Andrew – he left his job two years ago and she went to work in a new role.  Pray for this precious Christian couple that they focus on family balance to the glory of the Lord.

·      Nerida – that her living situation is resolved with grace, and she finds a place to live that is more peaceful and supportive.

·      Bettina – is retiring after a lifetime of service to her company.  Pray each of her five married daughters, spouses and 18 grandchildren support her as she enters this new phase of her life, and they all continue to grow in their love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      Ian and Jenny– continue to pray that his desire to grow his understanding and effectiveness with personal evangelism is fulfilled and that their two grown children would turn back to their relationship with Christ.

·      Elina – needs God’s wisdom and the courage of her convictions and resolve to live a life that is Christ-honouring for herself and her young son, Jimmy.

·      Megan (for emotional healing) and Scott, her husband (for patience and wisdom) and wisdom for his sister, Clare, as she seeks to support them through troubled times.

·      Christine – give her strength as she journeys to heart-healing, pray for traveling mercies as he is in Europe and pray most of all that her husband gives his life to the Lord.

·      Robin – continue to pray for her strength and healing as she continues her journey after the loss her beloved mother (was 93 years old) and pray for the strength of her daughter who is comforting her.

·      Pray for true, Christ-centered revival in America. 

Pray for those in full-time service

Pray the Lord upholds our Christian leaders – that they never compromise God’s Word and remain bold and courageous in the face of evil.  Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families. 

Pray Especially for Salvation for:

·      Louisville family of Jeff and Rachael – that a desire grows in their heart for a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      R & B – exploring the Truth for themselves. Please place true believers in their paths to disciple them.

·      Becky – still in rehab for spinal surgery.  Pray for her patience and for her health care providers to be wise and compassionate, that her family rallies around her to care for her and, most of all, that she finds the Lord in all this.

·      Fred and Barb brother of Patti -- for salvation.

·      Bryan and Julie (Patti’s daughter) Pray for the salvation of at least one of the family and that the others will follow shortly thereafter.  They are parents of Callilah, Adrian, Micah, Kevin and Nate -- lost, damaged and troubled children – all of whom we have prayed for over the years.

·      Sophie– six-year-old daughter of a friend is chronically ill and frail.  Please pray for her, her parents and health carers to find ways to manage her symptoms and heal her and that this will lead them all to God’s saving grace.

·      Paul – please pray for him.  He still has not found a job or work after more than ten years.  Please pray the Lord provides needed work so he can begin to heal and strengthen.

·      Peggy – a dear friend and colleague of my sister-in-law who has been battling cancer in her neck for years.  Her new oncologist has started a combination of chemo and radiation that seems to be working, but she is miserable.  Please pray for her as she waits for her body to heal and strengthen and that she finds salvation.

·      Sue and Rob – opened their home to support Luke who is angry and lost.  He has been there a long time now and refuses to move out.  Please pray the Lord saves all three and that Luke realises he must take responsibility for his own life.  Pray for continued patience and compassion of Sue and Rob.

·      Demi and John – one evening John went out their backdoor to run an errand and was attacked by someone with a knife who stabbed him several times (one pierced his heart).  He has recovered physically but pray for him and his wife as they pull their lives together – that they might find the Lord in all the chaos left behind.

·      Jen N – a Jewish woman I’ve met at work, please pray for her that she will find a new role and that she stays safe and healthy.  Please pray for her and her two boys (ages 16 and 17).

·      Don Yockey - lost his fight with cancer.  Please pray the Lord uses this time to open the family’s hearts to His love and salvation. 

Pray for those with ongoing health concerns

Many of us have family, friends and loved ones with fragile health.  Pray God takes special care with them and protects them in practical ways and that the Lord will have mercy on them. 

Pray for the World

Monday, February 26, 2024

Still Puzzled

YouTube – Acts Chapter 1 Summary and What God Wants From Us

By – The Bible Says What?


“The first account I composed, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen. 


“To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.


“Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, ‘Which,’ He said, ‘you heard of from Me; for John baptised with water, but you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.’ 


“So, when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, ‘Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?’


“He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.’” Acts 1:1-8


The book of Acts helps us better understand the difficulty the disciples still struggled with.  Most knew enough of Judaism to believe that when the Messiah appeared, it was for sure, that Roman rule would be over and God’s chosen people would finally end the Roman occupation of their promised land.


But, Jesus was meek and mild.  Although a carpenter, He did not seem to have the physical or emotional strength to be the mighty ruler that was promised!  And yet, as each individual believed, and the Holy Spirit filled their hearts sealing His promise, their lives changed in mighty ways no one would have ever imagined.  Isn’t that NEAT!


Take care with love, especially His, Darlene (who still prays for you daily)


PS:  Find my statement of faith:  (where you will also find a series of Bible studies). You can also find the devotions online, just search for ‘WeakDay Devotion’. 

There is an android ‘Google Blogger’ app you can download to read them on your phone.  Not sure about Apple.  For the books, go to Amazon books.   For prayer requests and updates email me:


Please update your PRAYER REQUESTS

·      ISRAEL OVERVIEW of Issues of Al-Aqsa Mosque – 136 days have passed of this horrible and unwanted war.  Thank the Lord two more hostages were freed.  Pray Israeli forces locate and save the remaining hostages.  Pray for the wisdom and safety of the Israeli soldiers, for those who have lost loved ones and for those moving through enemy territory as they risk their lives to restore peace and purify the land of all terrorists.  Pray also for the Palestinian people – many are helpless captives of war.

·      URGENT - Barbara – the beloved widow of my brother, Tim, sprained her ankle and needs time to rest and heal.  She returned to the doctor and must take another week for the healing to be complete. As one of God’s faithful widows, pray God always protects her, especially at night.  Pray He guards the structure and integrity of the house and places willing people in her path to help her as she faces a life without Tim. 

·      Junko – that she would have a calm heart as she applies herself to her studies.  Help her through each day and that she gets enough rest.

·      Michael C – please pray for him and his family for comfort, as they grieve the loss of his father. 

·      Yoshimi – has started to attend church and read her Bible.  Pray she grows into a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that she finds work she can enjoy and benefit from.

·      Jenny S– in full-time ministry.  Please pray for her because she will have hip-replacement surgery 4th of April – pray there will be friends who will support her through the long and slow healing process.  Pray Father-God continues to provide sufficient financial support and winsome wisdom.

·      Lindsey - the youngest daughter of my dearest friends, Annette and Lyle, needs your prayers for healing and strengthening.  Pray for her patience and the wisdom of her health care providers.

·      Andrew M – head of Deaf Ministries Intnl., has begun an international tour starting in Japan.  Please pray for travelling mercies, robust health, and rest and for abundant harvest of those who need a creative way to ‘hear’ the Gospel.

·      Jeff and Rachael’s family: - Peyton, granddaughter, graduated from college Dec 2023.  Carter, grandson, is doing great in his first year in college.  Both are exceptional students and love the Lord.  Pray they are not distracted by worldly things, that the Lord watches over and protects them, that they continue to do well as their lives develop under God’s loving hand and that their love of God’s Word increases daily.

·      Patti and John – pray God continues to inspire them with His love and compassion and that He will guard their health.  Pray also for travelling mercies as Patti is now the only one who drives. (Joshuah 1:6-9).

·      Sarah and Andrew – he left his job two years ago and she went to work in a new role.  Pray for this precious Christian couple that they focus on family balance to the glory of the Lord.

·      Nerida – that her living situation is resolved with grace, and she finds a place to live that is more peaceful and supportive.

·      Bettina – is retiring after a lifetime of service to her company.  Pray each of her five married daughters, spouses and 18 grandchildren support her as she enters this new phase of her life, and they all continue to grow in their love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      Ian and Jenny– continue to pray that his desire to grow his understanding and effectiveness with personal evangelism is fulfilled and that their two grown children would turn back to their relationship with Christ.

·      Elina – needs God’s wisdom and the courage of her convictions and resolve to live a life that is Christ-honouring for herself and her young son, Jimmy.

·      Megan (for emotional healing) and Scott, her husband (for patience and wisdom) and wisdom for his sister, Clare, as she seeks to support them through troubled times.

·      Christine – give her strength as she journeys to heart-healing, pray for traveling mercies as he is in Europe and pray most of all that her husband gives his life to the Lord.

·      Robin – continue to pray for her strength and healing as she continues her journey after the loss her beloved mother (was 93 years old) and pray for the strength of her daughter who is comforting her.

·      Pray for true, Christ-centered revival in America. 

Pray for those in full-time service

Pray the Lord upholds our Christian leaders – that they never compromise God’s Word and remain bold and courageous in the face of evil.  Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families.

Pray Especially for Salvation for:

·      Louisville family of Jeff and Rachael – that a desire grows in their heart for a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      R & B – exploring the Truth for themselves. Please place true believers in their paths to disciple them.

·      Becky – still in rehab for spinal surgery.  Pray for her patience and for her health care providers to be wise and compassionate, that her family rallies around her to care for her and, most of all, that she finds the Lord in all this.

·      Fred and Barb brother of Patti -- for salvation.

·      Bryan and Julie (Patti’s daughter) Pray for the salvation of at least one of the family and that the others will follow shortly thereafter.  They are parents of Callilah, Adrian, Micah, Kevin and Nate -- lost, damaged and troubled children – all of whom we have prayed for over the years.

·      Sophie– six-year-old daughter of a friend is chronically ill and frail.  Please pray for her, her parents and health carers to find ways to manage her symptoms and heal her and that this will lead them all to God’s saving grace.

·      Paul – please pray for him.  He still has not found a job or work after more than ten years.  Please pray the Lord provides needed work so he can begin to heal and strengthen.

·      Peggy – a dear friend and colleague of my sister-in-law who has been battling cancer in her neck for years.  Her new oncologist has started a combination of chemo and radiation that seems to be working, but she is miserable.  Please pray for her as she waits for her body to heal and strengthen and that she finds salvation.

·      Sue and Rob – opened their home to support Luke who is angry and lost.  He has been there a long time now and refuses to move out.  Please pray the Lord saves all three and that Luke realises he must take responsibility for his own life.  Pray for continued patience and compassion of Sue and Rob.

·      Demi and John – one evening John went out their backdoor to run an errand and was attacked by someone with a knife who stabbed him several times (one pierced his heart).  He has recovered physically but pray for him and his wife as they pull their lives together – that they might find the Lord in all the chaos left behind.

·      Jen N – a Jewish woman I’ve met at work, please pray for her that she will find a new role and that she stays safe and healthy.  Please pray for her and her two boys (ages 16 and 17).

·      Don Yockey - lost his fight with cancer.  Please pray the Lord uses this time to open the family’s hearts to His love and salvation. 

Pray for those with ongoing health concerns

Many of us have family, friends and loved ones with fragile health.  Pray God takes special care with them and protects them in practical ways and that the Lord will have mercy on them.

Pray for the World