Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Jews - Another Reason for Delay, Part 4

"For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own estimation, that a partial hardening has happening to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and thus all Israel will be saved, just as it is written,

"'The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.'  And this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins.'

"From the standpoint of the Gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God's choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 

"For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, in order that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy.  For God has shut up all in disobedience that He might show mercy to all." Romans 11:25-32

"And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.  And in you ALL the families of the earth shall be blessed."'" Genesis 12:3

"What I am saying is this:  the Law which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise." Galatians 3:17

Christians do not often consider what happened to God's promise to His chosen people - it never changed!  Another reason the End Time are delayed is because God wants as many Gentiles as possible to be saved first.  And then, He will bring all His chosen people home.  (See Romans 2:28-29).  We as believers are called to share our faith with others, knowing by His mercy He delays judgment.

Take care with love, especially His!  Your servant and friend in Christ, who prays for you each morning, Darlene


  • ·        Brody - Brody is now home from the hospital.  He still needs two more surgeries, but things are looking better.  It will be a long road of healing and being able to walk.  Thanks for prayers.  Keep praying for his physicians and carers; and for Trish, his wife-to-be, as they are planning their wedding.  Let this strengthen their commitment to Christ and to each other.
  • ·        Paul - still has not heard about the job.  I am concerned for him.  Pray he stays strong while he waits.  This would be his first work since 2012!!.


  • ·        Adrian - Sounded better than he has in months and had come from the orthopaedic surgeon for initial consultation.  They think he won't need the entire shoulder replaced.  Also, he is going to look at a new place to live tomorrow.  It is less expensive, about four times bigger than where he has been for the last 3.5 years and he can have Toby with him.  Keep praying please.
  • ·        Fion - the dust from the death of his father is settling, but Fion's heart will be tender for a long time yet.  Continue to pray for his mother please.
  • ·        BG - Is relieved there is a diagnosis of his massive headaches and awaits to begin treatment.  Keep praying for wisdom and compassion in his health care providers and specialists.
  • ·        Heidi - is thankful that God arranged a new job for her as Macy's store closed.  She needs extra prayer this next couple of weeks as all this change unfolds.  
  • ·        Matt - Heidi's brother is growing stronger, but remains in the hospital.  Pray he does not get sicker while he recovers from double pneumonia and strep infection.
  • ·        Raven - no signs of new cancer.
  • ·        Me - The Lord encourages me through others and in ways that are unexpected.  Thank you, Father.  I continue to search for a new project.


  • ·        David R - series of new tests scheduled on 6 April to see if the sight he lost in his left eye from the stroke can be restored.
  • ·        Sergio continues to look for a new job.  He is in Mexico City and the work there, for graphic designers, is rare. 
  • ·        FW - needs strength and resolve to keep focused and safe.  Please pray for his parents Dave and Alice who will be moving to assisted living that they will have peace with this.
  • ·        Pray I have the energy and focus to complete the updating of a new Kindle:  Where is Christ in America? -- a special series written in 2003 for such a time as this. 


  • ·        That the Lord's hand is dramatically apparent in the lives of all who receive and read these devotions.  That His mighty works will be worked out in each life for His purposes and glory in surprising and wonderful ways!
  • ·        For Christ-centred, Bible-based revival in the USA and religious freedom for Christians wherever they may be.
  • ·        Pray for the many individuals in Singapore, China, Russia, India and Alaska who are regularly reading the WeakDay Devotion on-line.  The blog seems to be gathering an audience in unexpected and mysterious geographic locations.


  • ·        My brother, Tim, with COPD (Cardio-Obstructive Pulmonary Artery Disease), that he has patience and wisdom to help him manage his health and the limitations to his breathing. 
  • ·        Please pray for Rik, receiving specialist treatment for Lyme's Disease.
  • ·        Adrian asks:  "Pray for my friend, Chester with pancreatic cancer - for energy, strength and resolve as he deals with a worldly system that continues to abuse him; and that someone will come share Christ with him soon."


  • ·        For Fred as he deals with life without his beloved wife.  Please pray for the recognition of how his life will be fulfilled now.
  • ·        Shan needs clarity of purpose and direction for his ministry.
  • ·        Pray for Toron, who at 18, is needing encouragement, care and direction.
  • ·        Fion:  He is working far too many hours.  Pray the organisation he works with will improve conditions for him.
  • ·        Pray for Shan and Gemma as they plan the details of their wedding.  May they stay ever close to His leading.
  • ·        Hans is waiting for a place in a new training clinic (which may take up to 6 months).  Pray he finds Christian companions and leaders wherever he is.
  • ·        Deepak - pray he has rested well since running a conference in New Zealand last week and that his efforts have paid off with new business and financially. 
  • ·        Keep praying for the two unsaved women in Jo's Bible class:  Angie and Liz.
  • ·        There has been no update to numerous follow-ups regarding Wezley an 18-year old who lost her way.  The Lord knows where she is, just keep praying for her that she turns to Him.
  • ·        Bettina for additional strength and wisdom.


  • ·        Audley and Beverly (stroke survivor) for help with their situation and his return to ministry.
  • ·        Stu and Jo and their grown children, Laura and Jason - a family serving in full-time ministry in New Zealand.  Keep them strong, healthy and resolute. 
  • ·        Isaias and Judith in the Philippines. Pray our Father continues to keep them strong and safe and that they find balance.  They give so much to so many for so little.  Take a moment to learn more about their tireless ministry:  Go to:  Look for "Nations" then click "Philippines".
  • ·        Please pray for my good friend, JB, that our loving Father provides him with ample opportunity to continue his ministry.
  • ·        Buddy and Susan Smith and Kevin and Sandy Currell need your prayers for their ministries in Australia.
  • ·        The Catholic Church and the new Pope need your prayers that he will always put Jesus first in all his decisions.


  • ·        Elaine and Jim, wonderful friends of mine in Hong Kong have begun an online church with a special prayer room that is open 24/7.  There are a small army of dedicated prayer warriors waiting to pray with you.  Please pray for them and go here to learn more:  Https://


  • ·        Linda and Ian, Rob and his daughter, Reg, Annette and Lyle, Carla and Paul, Jeff and Rachael and their wonderful families.  Grateful thanks for their practical support and encouragement over many years.

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