Thursday, December 19, 2019


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I Am a Carpenter (Joseph's Song)

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows.  When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.  And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man, and not wanting to disgrace her, desired to put her away secretly. 

“But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to make take Mary as your wife; for that which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.  And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.’ 

“Now all this took place that was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son and they shall call His name Immanuel.’ Which translated means, ‘God with us.’  And Joseph arose from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took her as his wife, and kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.”  Matthew 1:18-25

We don’t know much about Joseph, but from this passage we can know he was considered righteous man who loved Mary.  The seriousness of betrothal offered him only two choices:  her death by stoning or seeking a formal divorce.

Imagine how he must have felt after he discovered Mary was pregnant.  He knew it was not his.  He would have been faced with those two choices until the angel offered him a third choice:  to marry her and legitimise her and the child. 

His humble obedience and trust in the Lord protected the family through the hardships that taking her as his wife would mean.  It likely made their lives difficult from then on.  Yet God choose Joseph to care for the family and lovingly help Mary raise Jesus to live in the harsh world into which He was born.

Take care with love, especially His!  Your servant and friend in Christ, who still prays for you each morning.  Darlene

PS:  Please pray for this ministry.  My statement of faith is found here:   You can find the WeakDay Devotion online by doing a Google search for “WeakDay Devotion”  (Also, there is an android “Google Blogger” app you can download to read them on your phone.)


  • ·      UPDATE – CATASTROPHIC FIRES IN AUSTRALIA - As Australia continues to struggle through historic ‘dust bowl’ drought, over 100 bush fires covering more than 3,500 square miles continue to rage.  Three people have died, hundreds of homes lost.  Temperatures have eased for today (will soar again tomorrow).  No rain in sight yet.  Active fires 11 miles from central Sydney.  Click on word “UPDATE” for more information.  Pray for the firefighters, those caring for those seeking shelter, for those suffering from and in the path of the fires, for those who have lost everything, the animals and the tragedy that accompanies this.  Please pray for God’s mercy on this dry and sunburnt, burning land and that His people will rise up and show their extraordinary love and compassion at this time!


  • ·      URGENT -USA - Pray the Lord would demonstrate His power in unexpected and uniting ways during these times of unrest and confusion.  Help hearts settle and rest in Him alone.  Let the truth of God’s Word and ways overcome the drive to destroy our founding, Bible-based values.
  • ·      Chris H suddenly lost his sister (the last of his family) last Sunday.  Please hold him up with prayers as he walks through this time of change and pain. 
  • ·      Savannah – fifteen-year-old granddaughter of Cliff and Beth, is suffering from a psychological disorder that is difficult to treat and could lead to very serious consequences.  She NEEDS all the prayers that can be said on her behalf.
  • ·      Christine’s husband – broke his arm and wrist and is home recovering.  Pray during this time that the Lord will speak to him through his loving wife and that they will have a Christ-centred relationship and family.
  • ·      Doris (My Second Mom) – will be 101 on 22 December – is back to her enthusiastic-for-the-Lord self.  Pray for Patti, her daughter, as she remains so faithful in sacrificing time and making the effort to always demonstrate God’s love to her precious mother.  Doris (and her husband, Owen, now waiting for Doris in Heaven) both prayed faithfully to bring me to the foot of the Cross from age 12. 
  • ·      SJ – as he struggles with circumstances he did not anticipate.  Pray for his willingness to grow through this dark time and for wisdom of his counsellors.  Pray for his ability to rest and forgive himself.
  • ·      Deepak – thanks you for your prayers and has seen the Lord’s hand in his life in many new ways.  His business is growing and now he needs time to consider his next steps.  Pray he stays close to the Lord in all his busyness.
  • ·      Lachlan – thanks you for praying for him.  He has completed his seminary studies and now urgently needs to find housing for himself and his three children.
  • ·      Paul Pray for his ongoing resilience and that the Lord would allow him to find a role.  He’s been unemployed since 2010.  Most of all, pray his heart melts enough for the Truth to touch him where it hurts.  Pray for my wisdom and patience as he stays here.
  • ·      Patti – faithful daughter of Doris, wife of John is unwell and resting at home.  A Proverbs 31 woman, who needs strength, energy and the ability to prioritise with grace and resolve.  Pray she grows in confidence and learns that ‘no’ is a perfectly acceptable response.  Pray she enjoy precious time with John.
  • ·      Terri – her relationship of 13 years has just broken, and she needs prayers to travel through this journey.
  • ·      Tracey – Pray Tracey finds a new role to satisfy her and allow her to grow and share her skills and wisdom.
  • ·      Me – Please pray for the Lord to provide a new project for me.
  • ·      Peter Frith – Works as part of Anglicare as the sole Christian chaplain at a special hospital.  The work is very lonely and challenging.  Pray for his encouragement, hope and that our loving heavenly Father sends another Christian to work with Peter.
  • ·      St Marks Anglican Church Northbridge - Please pray God opens the hearts and minds of those who visit and for those who worship there regularly.  Pray their hunger for God’s Word grows.  Pray for strength, wisdom and healing rest, for those who serve there:  Simon Flinders, Pat O'Keeffe, Kathy Notley, Anne Penny, Barry and Jo and their families.
  • ·      Audleyplease pray for this faithful Bible teacher who has a weekly radio program to spread the Good News in Florida.  Pray for his sustained good health and faithfulness to the Word. 
  • ·      Jenny S – Bible teacher - for energy and good health, wisdom and time for reflection.
  • ·      Isaias and Judith (Ambassadors for Christ, the Philippines) are working tirelessly to help over 100 pastors and their families in the poorest areas rebuild after losing everything in a series of serious earthquakes and aftershocks.  If you wish to donate to their ministry, contact me for details.
  • ·      Scripture classes in Australian Schools – Australia is a secular country, yet God has ensured -- thus far -- that they have freedom to hold Scripture classes in schools during regular school hours!  Some resistance is growing so it is critical to pray.  It is a great hope for Australia.
  • ·      Bible schools and seminaries in Australia and around the world – Pray they never compromise the truth of God’s Word in the Bible.
  • ·      Jim and Elaine –Pray for the new work they’ve taken on in New Zealand and Fiji (heavily Muslim).  Thank you, Lord, for allowing Elaine to be ordained to strengthen her work.  Pray for their protection and energy, grant them time for shared joy as a couple and to see the fruits of their labours.  To learn more of their ministry go to
  • ·      Doug McIntosh - an invaluable contributor to my love of Bible study -- has multiple myelomas.  Has retired from full-time ministry.  Please pray for him, his family and the church he has worked so faithfully in, Cornerstone Bible Church, in Lilburn Georgia.
  • ·      Buddy & Susan Please continue to pray for their needs and the harvest from their labours.  They were one of the first families to welcomed me to Australia.  Amazing Christian teachers.
  • ·      Kevin and Sandy Currell (in Melbourne) -- Kevin has a wonderful ministry in teaching, in words and images with creating Christian resources.  Please visit his site: to learn more.
  • ·      Jo and Steve - for their loving example of Christian life and devotion.  May their love flourish under His guidance as they continue their work in Christchurch New Zealand.
  • ·      Stu and Jo and their children, Laura and Jason. Pray for this devoted and loving pastor and his wife who continue to serve in New Zealand.  Laura has married Joji and they are in NZ.  Jason is studying in the USA.  Keep them strong, healthy and resolute for the Lord.
  • ·      The Catholic Church and the Pope, who needs our prayers that he will grow increasingly hungry for the Word of God and that he always puts Jesus first in his life and decisions.


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