Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Inspiring Curiosity

"The law of the Lord is perfect restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.  The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. 

"The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.  They are more desirable than gold, yes, that much fine gold.  Sweeter also than honey are the drippings of the honeycomb."  Psalm 19:7-10

"We CAN trust God.  He does sovereignly intervene in the hearts of people so that they make decisions and carry out actions that accomplish His purpose for our lives.  Yet God does this in such a way that these people make their decisions and carry out their plans by their own free and voluntary choices."*

And around us people, like the angels watch to see how we will react in light of our dependence upon the Lord.  We have the privilege of inspiring curiosity in others by our trust in our Lord!

Take care with love, especially His!  Your servant and friend in Christ, Darlene

PS: ANY PRAYER UPDATES TODAY?  Please send updates For any of you who wonder if prayer is worth taking time for, just page through previous entries and see the hand of our loving Father in action!

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST:   Adrian, who has suffered so much these past years with his cancer and the deterioration of his spine.  For the last two years no one seemed to notice that they had been giving him non-stop, large dosages of morphine... until yesterday.  They've changed his meds now and told him he would feel better.  Please pray for him.

NEW PRAYER REQUEST:   Deepak's father passed away yesterday and he is travelling home to Colombo to be with his family.  Thank God, Deepak is part of the Body of Christ.


 PRAY FOR THOSE WITH HEALTH CONCERNS:  Pray for my brother, Tim, that his COPD (cardio-pulmonary artery disease) is manageable for him and that he will have the patience and wisdom to cope with the limitations. 

Fion's mother is now settling into her new home so she can be near her husband in a new hospice.  Pray for the family and for his carers. 

Baby Saige faces a lifetime of surgeries, procedures and time in hospital.  Please pray for all those who care for her, especially her family.

Please pray for Deepak's wife recovering from treatment for stage-2 breast cancer.  Her chemo is over. 

David R losing his eyesight due to macular degeneration.  I hope to go home to see him before he can no longer see me.  For Audley and Beverly’s situation and his return to the ministry.  For Nancy who is growing stronger and for Fred as he cares for her. 

Pray for Raven as she regains her strength from the cancer treatments.  Patty, who lost her three year old daughter four years ago has sent a most amazing letter of thanksgiving.  She is not 100% but says she is around 85%. 

Continue to pray for Scott for mental and physical healing, God focus and ability to think clearly.  

ONGOING JOB RELATED:   Sergio seeking new employment - is in Mexico City.  Paul NS has had such an adventure trying to find a role again.  Please keep him in your prayers that he does not give up. 

For PJ that he may find projects to fill his needs.  Justin B and his father in India need prayer that Justin will find work in his field of BPO and voice in the Lord's perfect time. 

ONGOING PRAYER REQUESTS:  Pray the Lord’s hand is dramatically apparent in the lives of all who receive and read this devotion...that His mighty works would be worked out in each life for His purposes in surprising and wonderful ways!

Elaine and Jim in Hong Kong have begun a new ministry.  Please pray the Father keeps guiding them in their work. 

Isaias & Judith need our continued prayers for protection and good health.  They lead the efforts of Ambassadors for Christ in the Philippines.  The financial needs are so great, please consider contributing...just click on Ambassadors for Christ link above. 

For Linda and Ian For Rob and his daughter.  For Reg Pray for Annette and Lyle and their wonderful family.  Pray for wisdom for my brother as he deals with an important matter.  For David K, in his studies and Matthew K as he grows up.  

PRAY FOR THE WORLD:  God’s grace on USA & REVIVAL for His children there and for the many nations and individuals suffering from global financial mismanagement.  Pray for Birgit who is in Germany.

Please pray for the many individuals in India.  Just recently the WeakDay Devotion blog is being read by many people there!  God is mysterious! 
Pray for the Catholic Church and that the new Pope will always put Jesus first.  

* "Trusting God" is copyright protected since 1988 by Jerry Bridges.  All rights are reserved, including translations.  The ISBN is 08910-91742.  I quote carefully and respectfully from his wonderful book.

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