Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sanctification = Resonance?

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What is Sanctification?

[God speaking to Solomon] “’For now I have chosen and sanctified and set apart for My purpose this house that My name may be here forever; and My eyes and My heart will be here perpetually.’” II Chronicles 7:16


“However, the Most High, the One infinitely exalted above humanity does not dwell in houses made by human hands; as the prophet Isaiah says, ‘Heaven is My throne, and the earth is the footstool for My feet; what kind of house will you build for Me? Says the Lord, ‘Or what place is there for My rest?  Was it not My hand that made all these things?’  Acts 7:48-50


“Do you not know and understand that you, the church, are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells permanently in you, collectively and individually?” I Corinthians 3:16  All verses from The Amplified Bible


“This word ‘sanctify’ is not as mystical or difficult as some seem to think.  It simply means ‘to be set apart’.  The primary Bible meaning of the word is ‘to set apart from Satan and sin unto God.’


“In the Old Testament God on the earth dwelt in the tabernacle and temple, and they were said to be ‘sanctified unto the Lord’.  But in and since New Testament days, God dwells in the hearts of believers.[1] 


And so, as the temple was holy and kept pure and set apart for God, so we, as the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, but remember how precious that privilege is and strive to regularly sweep ‘our temple’ clean from sin (using the ‘Spiritual soap’, He has provided for us in I John 1:9).


What an amazing and humbling thought!


Take care with love, especially His, Darlene (who still prays for you each day)


PS:  Find my statement of faith: (where you will also find a series of beginner Bible studies to share). You can easily find the WeakDay Devotion online by doing a Google search for ‘WeakDay Devotion’.  (Also, there is an android ‘Google Blogger’ app you can download to read them on your phone.  Not sure about Apple.)


NEW PRAYER REQUESTS (any updates?)


·      Family of Eric – Eric at 52 died suddenly leaving his 47-year-old wife and three girls (ages 16, 19 and 23).  Pray the Lord comforts the family through this time of mourning.  Pray for their wisdom and that God will send trustworthy, honourable, Bible-based councilors for the many decisions that now must be made.

·      UPDATE - Peyton - eldest granddaughter of Jeff and Rachael – now in her second year of college.  Please continue to pray for her that she does well, makes good decisions and continues having a good relationship with the Lord. 

·      Adam – please pray for his strength and peace as he pursues new job possibilities and that the Lord will guide him clearly in his decisions and to know without doubt the depth of forgiveness; and that his wife will be the loving supporter he badly needs.

·      Barb – my brother’s faithful and kind wife.  Thank you for praying for her.  She needs prayers to sustain her and protect her health and energy during this time of additional stress and challenge at work.

·      UPDATE - Sophie – three-year old daughter of a friend.  She is chronically unwell and frail.  Please pray for her, her parents and health carers to find ways to manage the symptoms and heal her.

·      Hans – a dear friend in Germany, the cancer seems to be stable for now.  Pray for his financial situation to improve and for his ongoing strength through the pain when it comes.  Pray for his patience and God’s mercy.  Pray for his healthcare providers and that he is surrounded by faithful and compassionate Christian friends who will support him through this journey.  Pray for his Mom (age 84) who is also unwell -- that their time together is filled with extraordinary good memories and lots of love.

·      Callilah - a lost child.  Pray the Lord will capture her heart.


Pray for those in full-time service

Pray to uphold our Christian leaders – that they never compromise God’s Word, are bold and courageous in the face of evil.  Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families.

Pray for those with ongoing health concerns

Many of us have family, friends and loved ones with fragile health.  Pray God takes special care with them and protects them in practical ways and that the Lord will have mercy on them during this challenging time.

Pray for the World

[1] © 1958, Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, God’s Word Made Plain, by Mrs. Paul Friederichsen, p. 176.

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