Thursday, May 7, 2015

Frail or Fickle

[Jesus teaching]  "'A certain money lender had two debtors:  one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.  When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both.  Which of them therefore will love him more?'

"Simon answered and said, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more.'  And He said to him, 'You have judged correctly.' 

"And turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, 'Do you see this woman?  I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair. 

"'You gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet.  You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. 

"'For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.'" Luke 7:41-47

"Does bumping into certain people leave you brittle, breakable, and fruitless?  Do you easily fall apart?  If so, your love may be grounded in the wrong soil.  It may be rooted in their love (which is fickle) or in your resolve to love (which is frail)."*

Some believe they love with unconditional love.  Certainly it is not possible to fully comprehend what unconditional love is about.  Even a light reading of I Corinthians 13:4-14, has us like Job, placing our hand over our lips, knowing we miss the point of God's love.

Sin clouds our thoughts and actions in ways we do not realise.  Little things in another defeat our resolve, compassion and consideration.  We can pretend to unconditionally love, but only God is capable of looking at us, knowing every moment of our lives and love us still. 

But we can choose to care and love; and when we fail, we can turn to our Father and ask for forgiveness -- and begin again, completely fresh.

Take care with love, especially His!  Your servant and friend in Christ, who prays for you each morning, Darlene


  • ·        For Fred and the family - One day, many years ago now, Nancy, Fred's lifetime wife walked to the mail box in her regular routine and slipped, hitting her head on the concrete driveway.  They never expected she would live, let alone recover, but she did.  He has nursed and cared for her and worked tirelessly with her to help her enjoy every moment of her life since.  Recently she seemed to plateau and was not growing stronger.  This morning Fred sent an email to share that after all these years of struggling to regain life as it was before her accident, Nancy, his beloved wife has just gone home to be with her Lord.
  • ·        Adrian- Please pray for Him, that the love and mercy of the Lord holds him so warmly that he is encouraged during this time.  The new pain meds he was given seem to have him in an exhausting, over-active, almost manic, state now.  His hands are shaking badly and he is having difficulty thinking, although he is not aware of the pain being so bad.  He needs to see his doctor soon.  He is deeply grateful and dependent on your prayers. 
  • ·        For Christ-centred, Bible-based revival in the USA and religious freedom for Christians.



  • ·        Some of the devastation of the earthquake in this poor country are simply unexpected.  Please keep those helping the survivors in your prayers.  Death toll in Nepal from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake stands at 6,621 individuals.  The estimate for the injured stands at 14,023.  They hold out no more hope for rescuing those buried in the rubble. 
  • ·        Although there are a few volcanos erupting right now, the one in Chilli is causing much difficulty right now.  Pray for those nearby.
  • ·        My project will end in June and I will be needing to find another one.


  • ·        Rachael sent an email yesterday to let us know that Chris remains on the wait list for a heart transplant - Pray that if it is God's will for him to get one that the surgery is successful and that he fully recovers.
  • ·        My brother, Tim with COPD (Cardio-Obstructive Pulmonary Artery Disease), that He has patience and wisdom to manage his health and the limitations to his breathing.  Spring brings some relief from the temperatures, but the pollen takes a toll.
  • ·        David R - as he manages his macular degeneration and a host f other health challenges and for Heidi who cares for him.
  • ·        Audley and Beverly (stroke) for their situation and his return to the ministry.
  • ·        BG that is blinding headaches will finally stop.
  • ·        Chester as he continues to struggle through a host of very serious medical challenges and poor care, with dwindling funds and few friends to help.  Give him energy, strength and resolve as he deals with a worldly system that has abused him.  And bring someone to him to share Christ's decision for him.


  • ·        Hans - needs wisdom, confidence and courage to guide him during this time, some emergency funds and a suitable job.
  • ·        Elina - no word yet on results of her graduate program interview.  She says she is grateful for your prayers.
  • ·        Deepak - that his work efforts begin to bear fruit as he works to make his business more profitable.
  • ·        Paul NS - Needs work of some kind.  He has not had work since 2012.


Elaine and Jim started a new ministry in Hong Kong and have some great news for those with a gift and heart for prayer:  An online church with a Prayer room.  It is open 24/7 and there is an army of prayers waiting to serve.  Go here and learn more:


  • ·        Shan - Needs clarity of purpose and direction for his ministry and for his choice of life partner.
  • ·        Wezley an 18 year old who has lost her direction and way, that she will find the Lord in her life.  There has been no progress yet.
  • ·        Phil (the man who has let Adrian stay in his home) for understanding, patience, empathy, compassion and gentleness.
  • ·        Buddy and Susan Smith and Kevin and Sandy Currell - ministers of grace and salvation in Australia.
  • ·        Fion as he supports his ageing parents and manages a heavy load of personal challenges
  • ·        Bettina for additional strength and wisdom.
  • ·        Isaias and Judith (in Philippines) were called to train other Christian lay leaders and they work tirelessly in challenging conditions.  Please keep them in your prayers as they plan the future of the ministry.  Perhaps you would like to learn more about his work there:  search Ambassadors for Christ and look for Isaias Catorce.
  • ·        Yangrae and the Uniting Church he shepherds, that he and his family will have the energy and good health to feed the flock he has been entrusted with.


  • ·        For the many individuals in Singapore, China, Russia and India who read the WeakDay Devotion.  (it seems to be gathering an audience in unexpected geographic locations).
  • ·        The Catholic Church and the new Pope that he will always put Jesus first.
  • ·        Those around the world being affected by the radical Islamic groups, especially ISIS and Boko Haram.


  • ·        That the Lord's hand is dramatically apparent in the lives of all who receive and read these devotions.  That His mighty works would be worked out in each life for His purposes in surprising and wonderful ways!
  • ·        Jen needs the watchful care of the Lord in her life.
  • ·        Linda and Ian, Rob and his daughter, Reg, Annette and Lyle, Carla and Paul, Jeff and Rachael and their wonderful families.  Thanksgiving for their practical support over the years.

*A Love Worth Giving is copyright protected since 2002 by Max Lucado.  .  All rights are reserved, including translations.  The ISBN is 978-0-8499-4831-2 (repackage).  I encourage you to secure a copy and follow along.  I quote carefully and respectfully from his wonderful book.  Please pray for him.

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