Thursday, August 20, 2009

White Fields

“For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ.” Romans15:18-19

Ever think of being a missionary in a far away and difficult country? Most of us have. There’s something noble about going far away and living a bare existence to sacrifice our comfort for the cause of Christ. People even do little mini-mission tours with this in mind...yet, our mission field is where we are now, too.

“’Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest;? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for life eternal; that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this case the saying is true, ‘One sows, and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not laboured; others have laboured and you have entered into their labour.’” John 4:35-38

Take care to know God’s Word, your servant and friend in Christ, Darlene

PS: New request: URGENT: Pray for Virgil (and all concerned), (has been waiting for a liver transplant for years)– has had the procedure to directly implant chemo into the tumour. Laughlin, nine year old, recovering from serious hip surgery, may be going home Monday; Reg and Bev on their trip. Answers: Nancy and Ed are reconciling. Thank you for praying! Praise for Rachael and Deborah for their sensitivity in prayer. Tim and Barb to be encouraged. Ongoing Requests: Michael and Diane for travelling mercies; God’s grace on USA; Barb to find the new work God has for her; Billy and Michelle for recovery; wisdom for doctors caring for Doris, David, Poetry, Gary, Adrian.

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