Thursday, July 17, 2008

Paraphrase of Psalm 139:7-12

“Where can I go from Thy Spirit? Or where can I fell from Thy presence? If I ascent to heaven, Thou art there; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold Thou art there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there Thy hand will lead me, and Thy right hand will lay hold of me. If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night.’ Even the darkness is not dark to Thee. And the night is as bright as the day, darkness and light are alike to Thee.” Psalm 139:7-12

“There is no way to escape You, no place to hide. If I ascend to the heights of joy, You are there before me. If I am plunged into the depths of despair, You are there to meet me. I could fly to the other side of our world and find You there to lead the way. I could walk into the darkest of nights, only to find You there to lighten its dismal hours.” From Psalms Now

Stay near God's Word. Take care. Your servant & friend in Christ, Darlene

PS: Prayer Requests: Lyle’s brother recovering from cancer, was at a friend’s home and fell 40 feet off a balcony. He needs prayer to heal from his many fractures (broken pelvis, leg, shoulder, elbow). The Kossally family is home safely. David’s, Adrian’s and Randy’s doctors. Gregg who must sell his home in the UK. And my need.

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