Thursday, June 18, 2020


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Least I Can Do by the Ball Brothers

“Afterward Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.  And Job said, ‘Let the day perish on which I was to be born, and the night which said, ‘A boy is conceived.’  May that day be darkness; let not God above care for it, nor light shine on it. 

“’Let darkness and black gloom claim it let a cloud settle on it; let the blackness of the day terrify it.  As for that night, let darkness seize it’ let it not rejoice among the days of the year; let it not come into the number of months.  Behold, let that night be barren; let no joyful shout enter it. 

“’Let those curse it who curse the day, who are prepared to rouse Leviathan.  Let the stars of its twilight be darkened; let it wait for light  but have none, neither let it see the breaking down’ because it did not shut the opening of my mother’s womb, or hide trouble from my eyes.” Job 3:1-10

“Is God silent?  Three times, as he faced crucial choices in his education, career, and romance, Richard begged God for clear direction.  Each time he thought he had God’s will figured out, only to have the choice to lead to failure, ‘What kind of Father is He?’ 

“Richard asked.  ‘Does he enjoy watching me fall on my face?  I was told that God loves me and has a wonderful plain for my life.  Fine.  So why doesn’t he tell me what that plan is?[1]’”

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just shout at this world sometimes?  To express His ‘frustration’, His anger, His ‘amazement’ at how far people move away from His guiding and protective values, principles and laws.  

All it would take is God’s booming voice, shaking the world with the Truth!  Yet, it remains up to our small voices to quietly, and one-to-one share His compassion and the reason for our hope in a future.

Take care, your servant and friend in Christ, Darlene (who prays for you each morning).

PS:  My statement of faith:  (also you will find a series of beginner Bible studies there.). Also, you can find the WeakDay Devotion online by doing a Google search for ‘WeakDay Devotion’.  (Also, there is an android ‘Goggle Blogger’ app you can download to read them on your phone.)


Please pray for all those involved in making critical decisions during this time of pandemic.  Pray for those who have lost loved ones, those who contract the virus, the healthcare workers, those on the front line and for all those feeling afraid, lonely or confused.  Pray all are wise, patient and take precautions to contain the effects.  For practical information, please visit

Latest Statistics
·        Today in 215 countries
·        8,529,345 reported cases
·        54,617 in serious condition
·        453,874 reported deaths (some related to pre-existing conditions)


(NOTE:  Words underlined have a link embedded to provide more details)

·        USA – Pray the Lord will demonstrate His power in unexpected and uniting ways during these times of unrest and confusion.  Help hearts settle and rest in Him alone.  Let the truth of God’s Word and ways overcome the drive to destroy our founding, Bible-based values.  For Christ-centre, Bible-based revival in the USA and religious freedom for Christians wherever they may be.
·        Hans – a dear friend in Germany, diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastasized, home for the next three weeks before he resumes chemo.  Pray for his healthcare providers, his patience and wisdom.  Pray he is surrounded by faithful and compassionate Christian friends who will support him through this journey.  Pray for his Mom (age 83) is unwell herself.  Pray their time together will be filled with extraordinary good memories and love.
·        Scott – recently married.  Pray he finds a job soon so he can provide for his new wife and two children.  Help him reach out for the hand of our loving Heavenly Father so he recognises God is working in all this for the best outcome for them all.
·        Penne – recently widowed after 43 years, the last ten of which she was her husband’s full-time caregiver.  She suffers mental problems from a childhood experience and has reached out to Patti (who asks for wisdom and patience).  Penne has ‘disowned’ all her family, and although a believer, does not attend fellowship for support.  Please pray for her peace of mind and God’s guidance.
·        USA President Donald Trump – As Christians it is our responsibility to pray for our leaders and know that God has a plan for the USA through this man.  If you doubt the importance of his appointment, just look at the baseless antagonism against him. Surely Satan is NOT happy and means to thwart God’s plan.  Pray someone helps President Trump and Melania to understand the true meaning of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that they will both have a insatiable hunger to read God’s Word for themselves – and that God sends a Bible-Believing Christian to regularly disciple them in the Truth – and that God shuts the mouths of the false prophets who regularly circle around them.
·        Fred I – planning a move from California to Tennessee in the Fall of 2020 (if possible).  Pray for his wise attention to detail, stamina and roaring good health, as he makes these life changes.
·        Unnamed – lost both her parents within six months after a lifetime of caring for them.  Her husband’s mother died in January and his 94-year old father now lives with them.  Pray they take time for each other and keep their faith strong.
·        Ravi Zacharias is home with the Lord, now.  Pray for his family and friends as they grieve his loss and for the continuation of his ministry. 
·        Those who loved Doris – pray for those of us who grieve the loss of a remarkable woman who helped bring me to His Cross.

Pray for those in full-time service

During this time, when the entire world is struggling to understand this new ‘plague’, it is critical for us to uphold our Christian leaders.  They will be needed everywhere.  Pray for their wisdom, safety, ingenuity, strength and for their families.

·        Peter Frith – The sole Christian chaplain at an Anglicare special hospital.  The work is lonely and challenging.  Pray for his encouragement, hope and that our loving heavenly Father sends another Christian to work alongside Peter.
·        St Marks Anglican Church – Pray God opens the hearts and minds of those who visit and for those who worship there regularly and during this time on-line that their hunger for God’s Word grows.  Pray for strength, wisdom and healing rest for those who serve there, including:  Simon, Pat, Kathy, Anne, Barry, Jo and their families.
·        Audley M – Pray his health and wisdom anf for the effectiveness and growth of his radio ministry (Florida, Virginia, Alabama, Indianapolis) as America hunger for true meat!
·        Jenny S – Bible teacher at a local Bible school for energy, good health, wisdom and time for reflection.
·        Lachlan – Pray for him as he cares for his three children while he completes his studies to become a Wycliff Bible Translator.
·        Scripture classes in Australian Schools – Although a secular country, God has continued to provide the freedom to hold Scripture classes in schools during regular class hours!  Some resistance is growing.  It is a great hope for Australia.
·        Bible schools and seminaries – in Australia and around the world that they remain true to the Truth of God’s Word in the Bible.
·        Isaias and Judith (Ambassadors for Christ the Philippines) – carrying on their fruitful ministry, seminary, conferences and leadership forums.  Pray for those who lead, administer, work, teach and contribute to the ministry.  Pray our Father continues to keep these servants strong, in good health, safe and supported and that they keep a balance in their lives.  To learn more or contribute, email Isaias Catorce at
·        Jim and Elaine – Pray for their new ministry in New Zealand and Fiji (heavily Muslim).  Pray for their protection and energy.  Grant them time for shared joy as a couple and to see the fruits of their labours.  To learn more about their ministry:
·        Doug McIntosh - An invaluable contributor to my love of Bible study.  He was diagnosed several years ago with multiple myelomas and has retired now from full-time ministry.  Please pray for him, his family and the church he has worked so faithfully in – Cornerstone Bible Church in Lilburn Georgia.
·        Buddy and Susan – Pray for their health and their needs as they labour in far north Queensland.  They were one of the first families to welcome me to Australia.  Amazing Christian teachers!
·        Kevin and Sandy Currel – (in Melbourne) Kevin has a wonderful ministry in teaching through images and words and has created many Christian resources.  To learn more:
·        Jo and Steve – for their loving example of the Christian life.  May their love flourish under His guidance as they continue their work in New Zealand.
·        Stu and Jo and Laura and Jason (their children) – pray for this devoted and loving family who continue to serve in New Zealand.  Pray for Laura’s husband Joji and for Jason who is studying in the USA.  Keep them strong, healthy and resolute for the Lord.
·        Catholic Church and Pope – pray the Pope will grow increasingly hungry and focused on the Word of God and that he always puts Jesus first in his life and decisions.

Pray for those with ongoing health concerns

Many of us have family, friends and loved ones who are fragile health wise.  It is important to protect them in practical ways and most important we must pray even more for them that the Lord will have mercy on them during this challenging time.

Pray for the World

[1] Copyright © 1988 by Philip Yancey, Disappointment With God, published by Zondervan Publishing House.

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