Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Morning After

Can you hear them praising Him!! 
or search YouTube for Cynthia Clawson - Imortal 

"For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus'' sake, that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our mortal flesh.  So death works in us, but life in you. 

“But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, 'I believed therefore I spoke,' we also believe, therefore we also speak; knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will present us with you. 

“For all things are for your sakes, that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God. 

Therefore, we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.  For momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are seen are eternal."    II Corinthians 4:12-18

I can't imagine Jesus sleeping in, can you?  But yesterday being the day He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey's colt to the cheers of all those people, He must have been tired -- tired physically and tired spiritually. 

It had been a long and dusty journey and He taught people and fed people and healed people all along the way.  If He and His disciples had rushed, they could have walked those 100 kilometers or 80 miles from Capernaum to Jerusalem in about four days. 

But they walked at a gentle pace so as not to miss any opportunity to share and offer God's love to all those they met.  Some of His greatest and most memorable parables were taught during this (next to) last journey to capture Jerusalem's heart. 

He taught about making peace with your brothers and key lessons on forgiveness, about divorce, how having money was not important, what was fair and how ambition could ensnare people. 

Then, knowing full well that even His disciples (although told several times of His real reason for going to Jerusalem) did not imagine the week ahead, He allowed them to fuss over Him and bask in what they anticipated would be triumph.  The fact is, this is the ONLY time in Scripture where Jesus allowed others to worship Him.  An experience of one kind before the worst kind was to be.

But this is the morning after the day before and I can't help wondering what Jesus is thinking and how Jesus is feeling as He lays on His sleeping mat, listening to the day begin before anyone in Mary, Martha and Lazarus' home awakes. 

For those of you observing the 40-Day Time of Prayer and Fasting, we grow close with only eleven days remaining before Good Friday.  Regardless if you are fasting or not, the prayer for today is for Christ to gather His followers to pray for the lost ones along His journey.

Take care and keep shining your light in this dark world.  Your servant and friend in Christ, Darlene

PS:  My statement of faith is on the blog:  Especially His Love.  Cut and paste this link in your Web browser:  and if you wish to find the WeakDay Devotion online if you missed one of the instalments of this series, just do a Google Search for “WeakDay Devotion”.  (You can even read it on your phone that way or install the Google Blogger App from their app store.)


  • ·        RN – Please pray for his healing and grace as he deals with the recurrence of cancer.
  • ·        Kathleen – a street person, who is so lost.  Pray someone comes to help her.
  • ·        Jen – a very special woman who has been battling a debilitating infection.  Please pray for her strengthening health and a return of her energy.


  • ·        St Marks Anglican Church Northbridge - Please pray for God's will and that a hunger for God’s Word grows relentlessly within the hearts of all those in this neighbourhood and for all who attend.  Pray for strength, wisdom and healing rest, especially at this holiday time, for those who serve there:  Simon Flinders, Pat O'Keeffe, Kathy Notley, Anne Penny and their families.
  • ·        Audley and Beverly (stroke survivor) –continue to serve the Lord with faithful gladness and grace.  Pray his radio outreach program serves the Lord powerfully.  Please pray for a solution for her home care and for now pray for strength as Audley cares for his beloved wife.
  • ·        Doug McIntosh - an invaluable contributor to my love of Bible study has multiple myelomas.  Please pray for him (he continues to teach), his family and the church he has worked so faithfully in, Cornerstone, in Lilburn Georgia.
  • ·        Jenny S - a Bible teacher and expositor who serves in many ways.  Give her strength, thriving health, balance, wisdom, protection and the right handling of God's Word.
  • ·        Jo and Steve - for opening their hearts to some lovely visitors from Poland, for their NZ ministries and for reconciliation with one of Jo's sisters.
  • ·        Stu and Jo and children, Laura and Jason - the entire family is involved in full-time ministry in NZ and may also help with the visitors from Poland.  Keep them strong, healthy and resolute.
  • ·        Elaine and Jim -sharing Christ in Hong Kong as difficult changes begin in the politics of the country.  Their wonderful online church has a 24/7 prayer room where a small army of dedicated prayer warriors waits to pray for and with you:
  • ·        Please pray for JB, that our loving Father provides him ample opportunity to continue his ministry in Sydney.
  • ·        Buddy and Susan Smith (in Queensland) and Kevin and Sandy Currell (in Melbourne) need your prayers for their ministries.
  • ·        The Catholic Church and the Pope, who need our prayers that he will always put Jesus first in all his decisions.

==== Ambassadors for Christ in the Philippines

  • ·        ISIS has established a growing beachhead in the Philippines.  Our friends and tireless servants of the Lord, Isaias and Judith, need your prayers.  Pray our Father continues to keep them strong and safe and that they find balance for their lives and good health.  This ministry gives so much to so many for so little.  To learn more:  (Look for "Nations" then click:  "Philippines").


  • ·        USA President Donald Trump - If ever there was a time to pray for an individual, it is now!  No matter whom you voted for or wanted as President, it is our responsibility as Christians to remember God has a plan through this man.  If you doubt the importance of his appointment, just look at how much antagonism there is against him – surely Satan is NOT happy and means to thwart God’s plan through this man.  Pray someone helps him understand the true meaning of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that he will have someone to regularly disciple him.
  • ·        New Guinea – There many strong earthquakes (of 6 to7.5 magnitude) recently in this poorest of the poor countries.  Thousands are affected and 67 have been discovered dead so far.  Please pray for those now recovering and offering aid and shelter.
  • ·        North Korea – Sabre rattling and posturing to win favour continues.  Pray for sound thinking and God’s will in this situation and wisdom and patience on all sides.
  • ·        The World - Pray for God's will to prevail as unrest around the globe increases and that our Father will bring comfort and calm to His children, wherever they are – and that they will be ready to give an answer for the HOPE within them!
  • ·        That the Lord's hand is dramatically apparent in the lives of all who read these devotions.  That His mighty works will be worked out in each life for His purposes and glory in surprising and wonderful ways!
  • ·        For Christ-centred, Bible-based revival in the USA and religious freedom for Christians wherever they may be.
  • ·        Pray for the growing number of homeless and displaced people from greed, wars and famine around the world.  These refugees need compassion.


  • ·        Sergio – has found a new career where he is respected for his skill, talents and wisdom with people.
  • ·        Jeff Westergren –is home after his heart surgery, regaining strength every day.  Please pray for him and Rachael as she supports him during this time.
  • ·        BL –Important decisions were made and wisely.  Thank you for praying.
  • ·        Elina – court appearance went well.  Keep her in her prayers.  It is likely this will not go away quietly.  Pray the Lord keeps a guard on the door of her lips and gives her new wisdom to stand and watch the Lord battle for her.
  • ·        Ron Torgo – with IBS and an inflamed gallbladder and spleen.  Is beginning to feel stronger although there is still some trouble eating and sleeping.  Please pray for his doctors to find a way to moderate the symptoms and fix this for him.  He was off work for three months and has had to return for practical reasons.  Pray he paces himself.
  • ·        Marci – a lifetime friend has come through her eye surgery and is resting and recovering.  Pray she recovers fully and is as chipper as always and that her entire family rallies around her with love.
  • ·        Praise the Lord and pray for the many individuals in Russia, USA, Poland, UK, France, Australia, UAE (!), Germany, Portugal, Romania, American Samoa, Brazil, Ukraine, Estonia, Singapore, China, India and Alaska who are regularly reading the WeakDay Devotion on-line.  The blog seems to be gathering an audience in unexpected and mysterious geographic locations.


  • ·        Carla – for an overwhelming and insatiable desire to read God’s Word.  Pray for travelling mercies and most of all wisdom with her priorities and decision making.
  • ·        Paul –Has not had paying work since 2010.  I know the Lord is watching over him because of your prayers.  Most of all, pray his heart melts enough for the Truth to touch him where it hurts.  Pray for my wisdom and patience as he continues to stay here.
  • ·        Chris - That he will set aside time to pray and consider the many choices he has in front of him and that the Lord will guide him in the best use of his days as interest in his music grows.  Keep all the members of the band professional and focused and that you bless it as You see best.
  • ·        Deepak - has worked tirelessly for years to develop his business and needs people to pay what they owe him so he can have more time with his young daughter.


  • ·        C&A – That God’s love binds them and their family together to face whatever difficulties that occur.  That understanding and compassion will prevail.  Thank you, Lord, for letting them be part of my life and Your love to me.  Keep them safe and healthy during this time and reliant on You.
  • ·        SS – needs continual wisdom to care for her ageing parents that there is a balance and continued good health for all concerned.
  • ·        Marvin - eighteen and finding himself.  Pray he will stay close to the Lord and not turn aside from the truth of the Truth.  Please give his parents strength and wisdom.
  • ·        Hans -returned to therapy for another 12 months.  Please pray for him as he seeks wisdom to make a decision between shortening therapy and taking a job apprenticeship he’s been offered.  Pray he is always surrounded by faithful Christian companions and leaders wherever he is.
  • ·        Me – My present project ends 30 April.  I am considering a rather big decision that holds lots of challenge and complications.  It would be wonderful if you would prayer for the Lord’s will in this decision. 
  • ·        Linda and Ian, Rob and his daughter, DB, PS, RB, JD, Annette and Lyle, Carla and Paul, Jeff and Rachael and their wonderful families.  Grateful thanks for their practical support and encouragement over the years.


  • ·        My brother, Tim – has been diagnosed with osteo-arthritis.  Not sure what they will prescribe for him, but pray for his peace, patience, wisdom and acceptance of this disease.  Pray the weather stabilises as it affects his COPD (chronic-obstructive pulmonary disease).  Pray for Barb, his wife, for her strength and patience and thank you, Father, for growing stronger daily in their lives so they can share You with others.
  • ·        Thirteen children (ages 2-29) kept captive, chained and near starving by their parents -- that they may fully recover.
  • ·        Doris (my "second mom") – just celebrated her 99th birthday, yet she is growing weaker.  Yet, her focus on sharing Christ with others grows stronger!  Pray and thank the Lord for Patti, her daughter, who faithfully and selflessly visits Doris twice a week (it was just Patti’s birthday, too!).
  • ·        David R - Pray for his wisdom and patience.  Surely the hand of the Lord is not short in any of our lives and still works in ways we cannot understand.
  • ·        Two of Tim’s Friends – One man is in hospital now awaiting a life-saving liver transplant.  A second man, also in hospital, may lose his leg after two or three knee-replacement surgeries have become infected after an accident several years ago.
  • ·        Claudio - battling liver cancer and the meds they are using to save him have weakened his heart.  Pray for him, his health carers to be compassionate and wise and for Elea, his wife, that she has the extra strength and hope to hold his hand through this.
  • ·        Liriel - chronically ill and often in pain, but feeling a bit better lately.  Pray for her comfort and that she can find some joy in each day.
  • ·        John (stroke survivor) needs wisdom to continue the management of his big farm.  Pray God will continue to provide patience and help with reading since the stroke.  He is enjoying cooking for others and is blessing many with this gift.
  • ·        Marcus – he is home now resting and recovering, no update on the outcome, yet.  Pray for his children (and cat) and that the doctors will find out what is wrong.  Pray for his speedy recovery.
  • ·        Uncle Dwight (92 and Doris only brother).  Pray for the Lord's will in his life.  He is an ordained pastor and knows the Lord. He is also the Grandpa of Sarah who we have been praying for.
  • ·        Julia - battling depression and lack of rest.  She teaches full time and cares for five children, including six-year old, Adrian with serious behaviour problems.  She needs to learn to rely on the Lord rather than being self-sufficient.
  • ·        Aunt Donna - with dementia. Please pray for her daughters so they can care for her best.


  • ·        CB – a friend for the last eleven years, with inoperable lung cancer and an estimated 12-13 months of life left.  He has begun an aggressive regime of treatment.  He needs the Saviour before it is too late for him to think about it, but he is VERY resistant and fiercely self-sufficient.
  • ·        Scott (in the USA) a single father now caring for his children alone after his wife left.  Pray that all this sadness and difficulty will melt his heart to reach out for the Lord.
  • ·        Robin Hopcroft - her brother asks we pray for her safety, that she learns of and understands the saving grace of Jesus and that her life becomes filled with the life-changing love of the Lord.
  • ·        Careena’s brother - to finally realise the deep affection Jesus has for him and that as he struggles with life that he will come to understand and accept Jesus’ loving and gracious sacrifice for him.
  • ·        Christine – that she will be strong, yet graceful; and that her husband will turn to the Lord, so they will have a Christ-honouring relationship and family.
  • ·        Denny Scheffler (sp) -- an old friend of my brother who was in a serious auto accident a few years ago.  His life is more than difficult and empty.  Pray Tim has opportunity to share the Gospel with him and wisdom to know how to help him.
  • ·        DB's father - (84 years) pray his heart opens to Christ.  He is an avowed – and boastfully proud – atheist.
  • ·        Sarah -Will soon be moving into a family friend's trailer near her parents. But still no reconciliation with family or God at this point.
  • ·        RS who I had the delightful privilege of sharing the Gospel with.  Please pray for her that she keeps considering what we discussed.
  • ·        Bobby and George - that they will begin to consider Christ.
  • ·        Karen - that in her confusion and the chaos of her job, she will search for His peace.
  • ·        Jenny - Recently lost her husband and needs comfort, strength and true answers in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • ·        Adam R - his life is filled with confusion and need.  Pray someone comes alongside him to help him see how much the Lord loves him.
  • ·        Bible study in Jo's home.  Pray for wisdom of Jo and openness in the women who meet together, especially Angie and Liz.
  • ·        Toron - (19-year-old) Pray for him to find direction and encouragement and most of all to come to the Lord.
  • ·        Lennie - Needs to wake to the cross of Christ and how much He loves him.
  • ·        Sarah - that God continues to work in His mysterious ways in her life and captures her heart.  No contact with parents or brother, yet.

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